Candlemas, French Pancake Day

In 2021 eat some pancakes thanks to take-away sale. French Pancake Day, the whole historyWhere does Candlemas come from ?On  February 2,  we celebrate Candlemas and traditionally eat crepes.The date of February 2nd corresponds to 40 days after Christmas, the…


Homestay in south of France

This story is inspired from  my immersive homestays at Montpellier but is, by no means, real. Punctuated with anecdotes, the story tells the stays of Francophile clients in Montpellier. This novel is aimed at all French-speaking readers: the French will discover other ways of life and foreigners will be able to learn vocabulary and refine their knowledge of our culture.


Little dictation, from Le Petit Prince

Here is a small dictation in French to test your oral comprehension and your written expression. This is an excerpt from the book Le Petit Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Note Translated into over 350 languages, Le Petit Prince is…


Mediterranean food for a French picnic

Le coucher de soleil sur la mer était magnifique : on bénéficiait de soir là d'une  vue si dégagée que l'on pouvait apercevoir le pic du Canigou,  le haut sommet oriental de la chaîne des Pyrénées qui borde la France…


Authentic homestay in Montpellier

Aïe[7] ! Déjà 19h20 quand elle raccrocha. pas étonnant qu'elles ne s'appelassent[8] pas souvent :elles étaient aussi pipelettes[9] l'une que l'autre et leur temps libre n'était pas extensible. Lise passa un coup de brosse sur ses cheveux tout en envoyant…